Page 20 - GA Maclachlan Tax Guide 2024
P. 20

Personal service providers process flow

           Is the person a company or trust?

         Is the service rendered personally by a
               connected person?

                                                The person
        Are 3 or more full-time employees employed   is not a
        throughout the year (other than connected   personal
        person) engaged in rendering the service?  service

         Would the person rendering the service be
        regarded as an employee of the client if the
            service was rendered directly?

        Are the duties performed mainly at the client’s   person is
         premises and is the person subject to the   a personal
        control of supervision of the client as to the   service
        manner in which the duties are performed?

        Does more than 80% of the income of the person
        consist of amounts received from any one client
        or associated institution? (This can be determined
         by means of affidavit or solemn declaration)

       Key:  Yes     No
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