Page 18 - GA Maclachlan Tax Guide 2024
P. 18

Common law dominant impression test grid

            Indicator  Suggests employee status  Suggests independent
                                         contractor status
          Control of   Employer instructs (has right   Person chooses which tools/
          manner of   to) which tools/equipment,   equipment, or staff, or raw
          working   or staff, or raw materials, or   materials, or routines, patents,
                    routines, patents, technology  technology
          Payment regime  Payment by rate × time-  Payment by a rate × time-period
                    period, but regardless of output  but with reference to results, or
                    or results       payment by output or “results in
                                     a time period”
                    Person obliged to be render
                                     Person, as employer, can
          Person who
         Near-conclusive  must render the  service personally, hires & fires   delegate to, hire & fire own
                    only with approval
                                     employees, or can subcontract
          Nature of
                                     Person only present and
                    Person obliges to be present,
          obligation to
                    be done
          work      even if there is no work to   performing work if actually
                                     required, and chooses to
          Employer   Person bound to an exclusive   Person free to build a multiple
          (client) base  relationship with one employer   concurrent client base (esp�
                    (particularly for independent   if tries to build client base –
                    business test)   advertises etc�)
          Risk/Profit &   Employer bears risk (pays   Person bears risk (bad
          loss      despite poor performance/  workmanship, price hikes, time
                    slow markets) (particularly for   over-runs)
                    independent business test)
          Instructions/  Employer instructs on location,   Person determines own work,
          Supervision  what work, sequence of work   sequence of work etc� Bound by
                    etc� or has the right to do so  contract terms, not orders as to
                                     what work, where, etc�
                                     Person not obliged to make
                    Control through oral/written
         Persuasive  Training  reports  reports
                                     Worker uses/trains in own
                    Employer controls by training
                    the person in the employer’s
                    methods          methods
          Productive time   Controlled or set by employer/  At person’s discretion
          (work hours,   person works full time or
          work week)  substantially so
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