Page 19 - GA Maclachlan Tax Guide 2024
P. 19

Indicator  Suggests employee status  Suggests independent
                                         contractor status
          Tools,    Provides by employer, no   Contractually/necessarily
          materials,   contractual requirement that   provided by person
          stationery, etc�  person provides
          Office/workshop,  Provides by employer, no   Contractually/necessarily
          admin/    contractual requirement that   provided by person
          secretarial etc�  person provides
          Integration/  Employer’s usual business   Person’s own/leased premises
          Usual premises  premises
          Integration/  Person’s service critical/integral  Person’s services are incidental
          Usual business   part of employer’s operations  to the employer’s operations or
          operations                 success
          Integration/  Person has a job designation,   Person designated by profession
          Hierarchy &   a position in the employer’s   or trade, no position in the
          organogram  hierarchy      hierarchy
          Duration of   Open ended/fixed term &   Limited with regard to result,
          relationship  renewable, ends on death of   binds business despite worker’s
                    worker           death
         Relevant  Threat of   Employer may dismiss on   Employer in breach if it
                                     terminates prematurely� Person
                    notice (LRA equity aside),
          Breach of
                    worker may resign at will (BCEA  in breach if fails to deliver
          contract  aside)           product/service
          Significant   Employer finances premises,   Person finances premises, tools,
          investment  tools, raw materials, training, etc� raw materials, training, etc�
          Employee   Especially if designed to reward  Person not eligible for benefits
          benefits  loyalty
          Bona fide   No business expenses, travel   Over-heads built into contract
          expenses   expenses and/or reimbursed   prices� Registered under tax/
          or statutory   by employer� Registered with   labour statutes & with trade
          compliance  trade/professional association  professional association
          Viability on   Obliged to approach an   Has other clients, continues
          termination  employment agency of labour   trading� Was a labour broker or
                    broker to obtain new work   independent contractor before
                    (particularly for independent   this contract
                    business test)
          Industry norms,   Militate against independent   Will promote independent
          customs   viability� Make it likely person is  viability� Make it likely person
                    an employee      is an independent contractor or
                                     labour broker
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