Page 63 - GA Maclachlan Tax Guide 2024
P. 63

Type of asset   No. of years   Type of asset  No. of years
                         for write-off           for write-off
          Heat dryers      6    Radio communication   5
        Heating equipment   6   Refrigerated milk tankers   4
        Hot water systems   5   Refrigeration equipment   6
        Incubators         6    Refrigerators      6
        Ironing and pressing equipment   6  Runway lights   5
        Kitchen equipment   6   Sanders            6
        Knitting machines   6   Scales             5
        Laboratory research equipment   5  Security systems removable   5
        Lathes             6    Seed separators    6
        Laundromat equipment   5  Sewing machines   6
        Law reports        5    Shakers            4
        Lift installations   12  Shop fittings     6
        Medical theatre equipment   6  Solar energy units   5
        Milling machines   6    Special patterns and tooling   2
        Mobile caravans    5    Spin dryers        6
        Mobile cranes      4    Spot welding equipment   6
        Mobile refrigeration units   4  Staff training equipment   5
        Motors             4    Surge bins         4
        Motorcycles        4    Surveyors:
        Motorised chain saws   4    Field equipment   5
        Motorised concrete mixers   3    Instruments   10
        Motor mowers       5    Tape-recorders     5
        Musical instruments   5  Telephone equipment   5
        Navigation systems   10  Television and advertising films   4
        Neon signs and advertising boards   10  Television sets, video machines
        Office equipment – electronic   3    and decoders   6
        Office equipment – mechanical   5  Textbooks  3
        Oxygen concentrators   3  Tractors         4
        Ovens and heating devices   6  Trailers    5
        Ovens for heating food   6  Traxcavators   4
        Packaging equipment   4  Trollies          3
        Paintings (valuable)   25  Trucks (heavy-duty)   3
        Pallets            4    Trucks (other)     4
        Passenger cars     5    Truck-mounted cranes   4
        Patterns, tooling and dies   3  Typewriters  6
        Pellet mills       4    Vending machines (including video
        Perforating equipment   6    game machines)   6
        Photocopying equipment   5  Video cassettes   2
        Photographic equipment   6  Warehouse racking   10
        Planers            6    Washing machines   5
        Pleasure craft, etc�   12  Water distillation and
        Ploughs            6    purification plant   12
        Portable safes    25    Water tankers      4
        Power tools (hand-operated)   5  Water tanks   6
        Power supply       5    Weighbridges (movable parts)   10
        Public address systems   5  Wire line rods   1
        Pumps              4    Workshop equipment   5
        Racehorses         4    X-ray equipment    5
        Radar systems      5
       The acquisition of “small” items at a cost of less than R7 000 per item may be written off in full during the year
       of acquisition�
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