Page 54 - GA Maclachlan Tax Guide 2024
P. 54


       Normal Income Codes      3719   Dividends not exempt i�t�o para (dd) of the
       3601   Income (taxable) i�e� salaries and wages   proviso to s10(1)(k)(i)
          (taxable), overtime (taxable)  3720   Dividends not exempt i�t�o� par (ii) of the
       3602   Income (non-taxable) i�e� pension payments   proviso to s10(1)(k)(i) dividends
          (non-taxable), arbitration award (non-taxable)  3721   Dividends not exempt i�t�o� par (jj) of the
       3603  Pension payments (taxable)  proviso to s 10(1)(k)(i) dividends
       3605   Annual payments (taxable) i�e� annual bonus,   3722   Reimbursive Travel Allowance
          incentive bonus etc�     (taxable: amount only to the extent
       3606  Commission            prescribed limit/km has been exceeded)
       3607  Overtime (taxable)  3723   Dividends not exempt i�t�o� par (kk) of the
       3608  Arbitration Award (taxable)  proviso to s 10(1)(k)(i) dividends
       3610  RAF annuity (taxable)  3724   Amount paid by any Covid-19 Disaster Relief
       3611  Purchased annuity (taxable)  Organisation
       3613  Restraint of Trade (taxable)
       3614  Other Retirement Lump Sums (taxable)  Fringe Benefit Codes
       3616  Independent Contractors (taxable)  3801   General Fringe Benefit (taxable) i�e�, Right
       3617  Labour Brokers (PAYE/IT)  of Use of Asset other than motor vehicle
       3618   Annuity from Provident/Provident Preservation   (taxable), acquisition of asset at less than
          Fund                     actual value (taxable), Meals, refreshments
       3619   Labour Brokers with Exemption Certificate (IT)  and meal and refreshment Vouchers (taxable),
       3620   Directors Fees – resident Non-Executive   Low interest or interest free loans or loan
          Director – voluntary PAYE withholding   subsidies (taxable)
       3621   Directors Fees – Non-resident Non-Executive   3802  Right of Use of Motor Vehicle (taxable)
          Director              3805   Accommodation (taxable) i�e� free or cheap
       3622   Long Service Cash award – full value   residential or holiday accommodation (taxable)
          (before excluding any amount)  3806  Services (taxable) i�e� free or cheap services
                                3808  Employee’s debt (taxable)
       Allowance Codes          3809   Bursaries or scholarships (taxable) –
       3701   Travel Allowance (taxable)  Basic Education
       3702   Reimbursive Travel Allowance (taxable:   3810  Medical Aid contributions (taxable)
          amount up to the prescribed limit /km that has   3813  Medical services cost (taxable)
          not been exceeded)    3815   Bursaries and scholarships (non-taxable) –
       3703  Reimbursive Travel Allowance (non-taxable)  Basic Education
       3704   Subsistence Allowance – Local Travel (taxable)  3816   Use of motor vehicle acquired by employers
       3707  Share Options Exercised (taxable)  via “Operating Lease” (taxable)
       3708  Public Office Allowance (taxable)  3817   Taxable benefit i�r�o� Pension Fund Employer
       3713   Other Allowances (taxable) i�e�, Entertainment   Contribution
          Allowance (taxable), Tool Allowance (taxable),   3820   Taxable Bursaries or Scholarships – Further
          Computer Allowance (taxable), Telephone/Cell   Education
          Phone Allowance (taxable)  3821   Non-Taxable Bursaries or Scholarships –
       3714   Other Allowances (non-taxable) i�e�,   Further Education
          Subsistence Allowance – Local Travel (non-  3822   Non-taxable Acquisition of Immovable Property
          taxable)              3825   Taxable Benefit i�r�o� Provident Fund Employer
            Uniform Allowance (non-taxable), Subsistence   Contribution
          Allowance – Foreign Travel (non-taxable),   3828   Taxable Benefit i�r�o� Retirement Annuity
          Relocation allowance (non-taxable)  Employer Contribution
       3715   Subsistence Allowance – Foreign Travel   3829   Taxable Bursaries or Scholarships to a
          (taxable)                disabled person – Basic Education
       3717  Broad-based Employee Share Plan (taxable)  3830   Non-taxable Bursaries or Scholarships to a
       3718  Vesting of equity instruments (taxable)  disabled person – Basic Education
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