Page 47 - GA Maclachlan Tax Guide 2024
P. 47

Checklist (flowchart) for the application of the
                      ring-fencing provisions

        Did the person carry on a trade in respect of which an
        assessed loss was incurred during the year of assessment?
        Does the taxable income arrived at after adding back
        any current year assessed loss and balance of assessed
        loss equal or exceed the amount at which the maximum
        marginal rate of tax for individuals becomes payable?

        Does the trade     Is this the third out of
        constitute one of the   five years of assessment
        eight categories of   in which an assessed
        suspect trades which   loss has arisen from   OF
        are listed?        that trade?

        Is this the sixth year of assessment in which
        an assessed loss has arisen from that trade?  SECTION 20A

        The assessed loss is ring-  Having regard to all the
        fenced permanently and   facts and circumstances of
        may not be set off against   this trade, was the person   ARE NOT
        income derived from   able to show that this trade
        any other source by that   constitutes a business in
        person during that year of   respect of which there is
        assessment� The assessed   a reasonable prospect of
        loss is carried forward and   deriving taxable income
        can be set off only against   within a reasonable period?  APPLICABLE
        income derived from that
        specific trade�
                           Key:  Yes    No
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