Page 38 - GA Maclachlan Tax Guide 2024
P. 38


       Non-residents may invest in the Republic, provided that suitable documentary
       evidence is received in order to ensure that such transactions are concluded
       at arm’s length, at fair market-related prices, and are financed in an approved

       Financial assistance in South Africa
         ■ Emigrants: local financial assistance made available to emigrants is subject
         to the 1:1 ratio�
         ■ Non-residents: authorised dealers may grant or authorise local financial
         assistance facilities to non-residents in respect of bona fide foreign
         direct investments into South Africa without restrictions� Where the funds
         are required for the acquisition of residential property or other financial
         transactions, the 1:1 ratio will apply�
         ■ Affected persons (i�e� where non-residents directly or indirectly own 75%
         or more of an entity): there is no restriction on the amount that could
         be borrowed locally in instances where an affected person wishes to
         borrow locally to finance a foreign direct investment into South Africa or
         for domestic working capital requirements� Wholly non-resident owned
         subsidiaries may borrow locally up to 100% of the total shareholders’
         investment, in respect of the acquisition of residential property and or
         other financial transactions� The effect of local participation in non-resident
         controlled entities is to make the abovementioned norms more liberal the
         greater the local participation, i�e� the ability to borrow locally increases� This
         is based on a formula�
       Loans from non-resident shareholders to residents
       Applications for proposed borrowing abroad by residents must be referred to the
       Financial Surveillance Department for approval�

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